“A supremely intelligent and convincing adaptation of Ira Levin’s Satanist thriller about a woman who believes herself impregnated by the Devil (in the guise of her husband), its main strength comes from Polanski’s refusal to simplify matters: ambiguity is constant, in that we are never sure whether Farrow’s paranoia about a witches’ coven is grounded in reality or a figment of her frustrated imagination. Sexual politics, urban alienation, and a deeply pessimistic view of human interaction permeate the film, directed with a slow, careful build-up of pace and a precise sense of visual composition. Although it manages to be frightening, there is little gore or explicit violence; instead, what disturbs is the blurring of reality and nightmare, and the way Farrow is slowly transformed from a healthy, happily-married wife to a haunted, desperately confused shadow of her former self. Great performances, too, and a marvellously melancholy score by Krzysztof Komeda.” – Time Out (London)
Screening as part of our midnight series Late-Night Favorites: Summer 2024
Previously screened as part of our Spring 2019 season of "Waverly Midnights: Parental Guidance" and as part of our series Good Witch/Bad Witch and the series "Pregnant with Fear."